Find Your Dream Client To Refinish Furniture for Income Blog

Discovering Your Ideal Target Audience in the World of Painted Furniture

Are you a furniture artist who dreams of growing their business flipping furniture?

Do you love the freedom of creating unique furniture pieces to sell or does your dream business involve you getting paid to refinish other peoples furniture? However you plan to set up your business, it’s important to understand your clients and who will appreciate your artistic touch. This will enable you to elevate your business.

You also need to understand what painted furniture projects bring you the most joy. This way you can craft your business in a way that is true to your heart and enables you to create masterpieces that are perfect for your ideal client.

In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of how to uncover your ideal target audience. They are the clients who admire your painted furniture expertise, love what you do, jump to purchase your furniture and book in for more and more projects. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

P.S this will require you to do a little bit of homework. Get yourself out a piece of paper or bring up the notes section on your phone and answer these questions for yourself.

  1. Identify Your Favourite Clients: Who are your absolute favourite clients? Do you have a client you remember that was just a joy to work with? Someone who just fell in love with your creation and showered you in compliments?
  2. Now envision the type of projects that you just love to create. Identify the specific painted furniture styles and designs that align with your passion and expertise. Do you love the creative freedom of doing what you like and going with the flow as your working on each piece or do you like having a steady stream of income with client bookings for commissions?
  3. Embrace Loyal Furniture Enthusiasts: Discover the customers who can't resist returning to purchase your painted furniture creations. Do you have clients who buy one piece and then custom order another? Or who book in for a commission job, love the end result and then book in another piece? 
  4. Understand the value of Painted Furniture: You want clients that value the artistry and unique touch you bring to each creation. The ones that know and truly recognise the value of your painted furniture.
  5. Streamline and Optimise Your Painting Process: Identify the clients who require extra attention and resources in the painting process. While it's crucial to serve all customers, some may have specific requests or intricate designs that demand additional effort. Streamlining your business by identifying these clients will help you manage your business and only accept the projects you feel comfortable doing.
  6. Picture Your Ideal Painted Furniture Client: Visualise your ideal client by considering their stage of life and why they may purchase painted furniture. Do they love the environmental benefits, do they appreciate aged furniture, do they have heirlooms they wish to keep but refresh, do they hate cheap chipboard furniture? Understand their preferences and tastes so you can better tailor your painted furniture offerings and your business to their needs.
  7. Think About Location: Consider the geographical location of your target audience. Are they city dwellers or countryside enthusiasts? Create painted furniture pieces that resonate with their style, and design preferences. If you’re in a more country location then farmhouse style might go really well etc.
  8. Financial Fit in the Painted Furniture Market: Delve into the financial aspect of your ideal painted furniture clients. Understand their income levels and how they approach purchasing furniture pieces. Fine-tune your offerings to match their price range, ensuring your painted furniture is accessible to them while meeting their financial considerations. An example of this could be if you are targeting first-home buyers they are going to want a more basic flip without all the bells and whistles as they will be more price sensitive. Whereas an older ideal client might love a unique one-of-a-kind statement piece with all the bells and whistle and will be willing to pay for it.
  9. Beyond Painted Furniture: Your clients have interests beyond painted furniture. Get to know their broader hobbies and design tastes. Think about interior design, home decor, and other related topics. By understanding them on a deeper level you'll be able to forge stronger relationships with your ideal clients and target your marketing correctly.
  10. Crafting An Irresistible Buyer Profile in the Painted Furniture Niche: Now that you have gathered valuable insights by following the prompts above, it's time to put them into action. Analyse your business and identify the common threads among your favourite clients who appreciate your painted furniture. Describe their characteristics, design preferences, and unique needs. This will help you form your ideal client profile, which will enable you to create furniture that sells quickly, target your commission services to the right people and craft your marketing message to grow your business.


Congratulations on creating a business flipping furniture and for embarking on the exciting journey of discovering your ideal target audience. This will really help you fine tune your business. 

Remember to continuously refine your buyer profiles and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of painted furniture. Stay connected with your audience, engage in conversations beyond painted furniture, and foster strong relationships that go beyond transactions.

As you navigate the world of painted furniture, trust your instincts and passion. Let your creative soul guide you in creating pieces that make a lasting impact on your clients' lives. With persistence, dedication, and a deep understanding of your ideal target audience, your business will flourish, and your painted furniture will shine in the hearts and homes of those who truly appreciate its beauty. Happy painting!




Check out my furniture tips: Masking Tape vs. Cutting In the Edges - Which Wins When Refinishing Furniture By Hand?👇


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