How To Deal With Inconsistent Income As A Furniture Artist

Are you a furniture artist riding the waves of creativity, only to be met with the tides of inconsistent income?

Running a business as a furniture artist can often involve unpredictable income fluctuations. One moment, you might be riding high on a wave of demand and profitability, and the next, you're facing a slow season, wondering how to get your furniture pieces moving and how to keep yourself financial stable.

The uncertainty of inconsistent income can take a toll on your peace of mind and make it difficult to plan for the future. That’s why it is so important to create multiple income streams in your business.

Navigating these financial ups and downs isn't easy, especially when you're passionate about your craft and committed to delivering top-notch work to your clients.

I want you to think about it like this:- Just as the layers of varnish protect and enhance the beauty of your creations, having multiple income streams safeguards your furniture-flipping business. It allows you to confidently weather the ups and downs of the market and continue to creative the pieces you're passionate about.


Let’s take a look at some ways that you can add additional income to your furniture refinishing business:

Affiliate Marketing


Partner with relevant companies and promote their products on your website or social media channels.

Then you earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.


Brand Deals

Collaborate with furniture or home decor brands to showcase their products to your audience. In exchange, you can receive payment, free products, or a combination of both.


Content Creation Income

Leverage platforms like YouTube and Instagram to share your expertise and creative process. Monetise your content through their ad revenue programs.


Custom Work


Offer personalised furniture pieces tailored to your clients' preferences. Allow clients to come to you with a request and then you source and refinish the furniture to their desired style.


Commission Work


Partner with clients to create one-of-a-kind pieces based on their specific needs and desires. This can provide a steady source of income.


In Person Workshops


If you have a space large enough, you can offer in person workshops to customers who would like to learn how to paint and refinish their own furniture.


Selling at Markets


Participate in local craft fairs, flea markets, and home and lifestyle markets to showcase and sell your furniture. These events can expose you to a wider audience and generate direct sales. You can also expand your offerings to cater to this different market.




Team up with other artists, designers, or influencers to create joint projects or products. Collaborations can expand your reach and introduce your work to new audiences.


Digital Products & Online Courses


Share your expertise by offering online eBooks, workshops and courses. This way you can sell your techniques and skills. It takes a fair bit of work to set up an online course but once you have created it, then it can become a fairly passive income stream.


Coaching Services


Offer coaching services to clients who are looking to refinish or repurpose their own furniture. They can then get your help and personalise guidance for a fee.


E-commerce Store


Create or wholesale a collection of furniture-related products, such as DIY kits, paints, handles or tools. Sell these products alongside your furniture pieces.


By diversifying your income streams with one or many of these options, you can create a more stable foundation for your furniture refinishing business. As the common saying goes “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. Each of these options offers an opportunity for growth and income. Select one that you think you would enjoy, and make sure you only start to implement one new income stream at a time so as not to overwhelm yourself.

If you want to learn more and get some help with adding any of these revenue streams into your furniture painting business check out our money making membership designed to help furniture artists creative a lucrative business doing what they love.


Hey there, fellow furniture artist! šŸŽØšŸ’° Ready to turn your creative passion into serious profit? Welcome to the Furniture Painters Institute – where your dreams get a blueprint! Join us and let's transform your knack for refinishing into a thriving business, step by step. This isn't a magic fix; it's tried-and-true method to boost your income.Your hard work + our guidance = unstoppable success. Click here and let's start crafting your success story together!

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